Introduction | Luetso Koan

Personal Information

  • Name: Luetso Koan (IGN: Luetso)
  • Age: 35
  • Nation: Air Nation
  • Bending: airbender
  • Hometown: Southern Air Temple
  • Residence: Fire Nation Capital
  • Parents: unknown
  • Siblings: unknown
  • Pets: lemur named Terrence
  • Profession: Bison Traffic Regulator at the Eastern Air Temple
  • Strengths: Humble, caring and resilient
  • Weaknesses: Forgetful, pessimist, prone to passing too much gas




Luetso, an orphan airbender, was raised in the Southern Air Temple. Since he was 5, Luetso had been an absolute pain to manage. The High Monk used to say: “if Luetso only fartbends at us twice in a day, we are lucky and thoroughly blessed.” Ten years later, he was just as mischievous. He met his life partner Zhozhou, at the temple library, while he was looking for a place to hide his stained trunks.

Since Zhozhou was also very much into pranking, they formed a pranking/farting team called The Koan Partners. Soon after this, they had to be transferred to the Northern Air Temple—the monks in the south had had enough of it. Luetso was 20 years of age.

Five years later, it was clear that pranking and farting was just a pretense to the undeniable truth—they had feelings for each other. Luetso let go of his monk duties (hehe, duties) at the temple, and together with Zhozhou, moved to the Fire Nation.

Luetso became a father soon after. When little Zholu turned 5 and needed to enroll in the Fire Nation School, they had to come up with a last name to fill the form… Zhozhou was no longer a Zhoka family member, and Luetso never had a family name. They knew one thing, they were not your usual family lineage, and more than anything, they were a team—the Koan family.

Luetso is currently a Bison Traffic Regulator at the Eastern Air Temple and he takes his self-imposed responsibilities very seriously. Bisons, however, have no concept of traffic or regulation, so Luetso’s efforts are of little consequence. Nuns in their generosity still placate him.