Royal International School of Education wip

The Royal International School of Education, otherwise known as RISE, is open to students from all four nations but is located inside the Fire Nation. To enroll in the University, or to become a professor of a class, send a message to the Education Minister or Prime Minister on discord. (msg: adamh#6791)

RISE can help jumpstart your career journey and provide you with valuable degrees. To obtain a degree, you must attend four roleplay classes. Three of the four classes must be from the course you want as your major. The other one course can be whatever you’d like.

Here is a list of each major:

Majors Major Descriptions
Government Studies This course explains the status and functions of today’s nations’ governments, their ties with one another, and their major internal positions.
Cultural Studies This course lectures about the history of all four nations, with a large portion of the material covering Fire Nation history. It also examines religions and minority cultural identities as a part of its curriculum.
Law Studies This course explains the law systems in all four nations with an emphasis on Fire Nation and Earth Kingdom law.
Military Studies This course offers extended knowledge on military tactics, ships, army bases, and fighting techniques and also elaborates on the other three nations’ militaries. (Only available to FN Citizens).

There are perks that come with having each degree including the following:

Degree Degree Perks
Government Studies Degree Students may be promoted to ambassador or directly appointed as governor of an unrepresented island so long as they are a Fire Nation Citizen. If they are not, they are provided with a Royal Letter of Recommendation to be appointed as a government figure in their respective nation. All graduates may serve as hands for the Fire Lord, Prime Minister, or Ministers.
Cultural Studies Degree Students may be promoted to ambassador or Meishu (Fire Sage rank 2) if they are a Fire Nation citizen. If they are not, they are provided with a Royal Letter of Recommendation to be appointed as a government or cultural leader in their respective nation. All graduates may serve as hands for the High Sage or Royal Secretariat.
Law Studies Degree Students will be promoted as an International Barrister, Judge, or Magistrate at their discretion. All graduates may serve as scribes for the High Magistrate.
Military Studies Degree Fire Nation citizen students may be promoted to the second rank in either the army or the navy (Sergeant or Captain) or as a Meishu (Fire Sage rank 2).


RISE, has three campuses where classes are held. The general studies campuses (Kuren and Xinlong) are used interchangeably by discretion of the Professors. The Ozaki Campus is only used by Military Studies students.

  • Kuren Campus - FNSE, Caldera
    The Fire Nation School of Education, or FNSE, is the second-largest academy in the Fire Nation, founded by former Prime Minister Fae Kuren whom the campus is named after. It is located to the left of the Royal Palace, between the post office and hospital.

  • Xinlong Campus - Haggyo Island School, Haggyo Island
    The Haggyo Island School is the largest school in the Fire Nation and one of, if not the largest, in the world. It is located on the left side of Haggyo Island and the campus is named after the Royal Secretariat Azuso Xinlong.

  • Ozaki Campus - Royal Military Academy, Caldera
    The Royal Military Academy is a prestigious military learning place only available to students studying Military 101. It is located on the immediate right after entering Caldera and the campus is named after the Grand General Kohaku Ozaki.