Lanayi the pirate captain



IGN: Hypergamergirl

RP name: Lanayi

Age: 21

Nation: Southern Water Tribe

Hometown: The Seas

Current residence: Her Ship

Parents: Adopted by pirates

Pets: none

Siblings: Her pirate crew

Profession: Pirate Captain


I am known to be quite blunt and proud. I am a pirate after all. laughs

Being raised by pirates, I am very knowledgeable at the ways of sailing. I have studied the waterbending scrolls stolen from ships and tribes that I have become a skilled waterbender. I am a natural born leader and am very adaptable of getting out of tricky situations.

My stubbornness and greed can be an issue at times. It can make me blind to situations if a hefty price is shoved in my face. This can be dangerous for my crew and I which is why I must depend on my first mate to keep me in check. I have a minor injury in my leg from a stab wound as a child. This injury only makes me limp when under immense stress.


According to my pirate family, I was born in the village of Sukika in the Southern Water tribe. I was adopted by a group of pirates when they found me left on the ports as a baby. I grew up being comfortable out at sea for long periods of time.

At the age of 20, I departed from my “family” to live in the legacy and create my own pirate crew. I “bought” a ship in the Southern Water Tribe and have sailed the seas looking for a worthy crew to revel in the rewards with. I also work with the Black market and the Red lotus. I do anything they pay my crew and I well enough to do. I of course pillage unsuspecting ships to make quick gold coins.