Introduction | Zholu Koan

Personal Information

  • Name: Zholu Koan (IGN: fatMANtha)
  • Age: 10
  • Nation: Fire Nation
  • Bending: airbender
  • Hometown: Fire Nation Capital
  • Residence: Fire Nation Capital
  • Parents: Luetso and Zhozhou
  • Siblings: none
  • Pets: none
  • Profession: student
  • Strengths: Studious, with a great sense of humour
  • Weaknesses: Short-tempered and impatient




Zholu is a young firebender from the Fire Nation Capital, and a student at Fire Nation School in Haggyo Island. He holds a perfect record in school and his favourite subjects are History, Biology, and Flora of the Four Nations.

He always appears embarrassed at his parents’ goofiness, but often plays along as a member of The Koan Partners.

Zholu hopes one day to become a healing herbalist.