πŸƒ Introduction | Yue πŸƒ



Banjo Swamp - YouTube

【 IGN 】


【 RP Name 】


【 Age 】


【 Nation 】

Earth Kingdom

【 Hometown 】

Foggy Swamp Village

【 Current Residence 】


【 Profession 】

Swamp Shaman | Herbalist


Yue is a young male standing at 5 feet and 5 inches. He has a brown skin complexion and curly hair that is a brown-dirty blonde color. Yue’s attire consists of elements from the swamp and plant life which very common among the Foggy Swamp Tribe. For example, he wears larger leaves as a loincloth, and vines as armbands and along his forearms. In addition, Yue wears wrappings around his shins. However, Yue does not wear any shoes, being barefoot. Unlike most waterbenders from the North and South who have blue eyes, Yue has green eyes such as people of the Earth Kingdom.


Yue is a friendly person who is kind to others. He is very curious about different things, energetic, and a very hardworking person. At times he may overthink when a difficult scenario comes. Besides, he wants to make the people around him happy, Yue can be very spontaneous in simple things this can be something good and something bad because when something happens he can overreact and this makes him take stupid decisions (Although he has been working out this part of his personality).
Strengths - Yue’s strengths consist of being determined and someone who tries a lot. He can also be strategic, using his plant bending in many numerous ways. For instance, may it be bending an array of vines acting as a shield to protect him from a strike.
Weakness - Yue has his weaknesses like every other person. One of Yue’s weaknesses is his being emotional. When it’s time to make an important decision, he gets blocked. To add on, he sometimes thinks he is always right and it can be difficult for him to accept when he is wrong. Yue is not very familiar with the North or South bending style he doesn’t know many ice or snow moves since he doesn’t need to use them in the swamp
Goals - Some of Yue’s goals are continuing with his investigations on herbs on other nations, he also is willing to teach others the swamp philosophy and way of life, one of his main goals is to protect the swamp from any harm because of this he needs to become stronger.



Yue was raised by the elders of the village, He was born on a full moon because of this He was named β€œYue” which means Moon; He was taught by the Elders all the swamp culture and traditions, since he grew really close to his culture he ends up being rebellious and didn’t like the swamp He used to wander around the swamp borders near the desert. One day a group of Poachers that were camping in the desert saw him, Yue escaped to the village, the poachers would follow him and would see the catgators they would start hunting them to sell their skin to the Earth Kingdom Nobles, the swamp people noticed this and immediately stopped them this lead to a fight between the citizens of the swamp and the poachers, The swamp would win and they would kick out the poachers but this accident would make Yue feel powerless and sad since he thought the attack was caused by him and he couldn’t protect the catgators or the citizens, this leads him to want to protect the swamp at all cost.

On the elder’s hut, many books talked about the swamp history and some uses of herbs. Yue with the help of the elders started practicing his bending and started to learn the uses of the herbs and plants of the swamp, after a lot of training he was able to plant bend which is a common sub-bending on the swamp, He also learned many uses of herbs after some years he made his studio where he continued studying the herbs, after that he would start writting his book with the information that he discovered and the information that he learned from the books on the elder’s hut, The book would contain the uses of all the discovered herbs, seeds, and plants from the Earth Kingdom.

The elders saw all the effort that Yue put into the swamp to help the citizens and the village after some time they decided to name him Swamp Shaman and a small ceremony would have been held

One of the many books that the Elder’s Hut had talked about a type of bending where you could heal others using water, Yue got interested about this and would start practicing by his own, one day the elders would see that some glow would come out of the water that Yue was bending at that moment they would talk to Yue about the art of Healing they told Yue that it was an old art but it wasnt practiced in the Swamp but they would help Yue contacting Chieftain Akna by letters so she could teach Yue, He would travel to the Sourthen Water Tribe, and Akna would take him as his student nowdays Yue is still on the Sourthen Water Tribe he is learning how to heal and to ice bend with the help of Chieftain Akna apart of this he wants to investigate the herbs of the Sourthen Water Tribe and maybe write a book of it in the future.

