Age 37
Air Nation
Fire Nation Capital
Father: Razan (deceased)
Mother: Uyana (deceased)
Peace Corps - Senior Officer
Mayor of Gyantse
Personality Traits
Not Aggressive, not the best at making friends. Loves food from all over the world
My strengths: Great at Gliding and dodging attacks. Great at listening. An okay fighter.
My weaknesses: Doesn’t speak as often as he should. Competitive. Allergic to cows.
Guro was born into a poor family in the Fire Nation Capital, due to the war. He was born to a non bender father, Razan, and an Air Bender mother, Uyana. In his early childhood he and his parents had to struggle to survive moving from place to place and from house to house. They moved to Jang Hui when he was 2, where he had to share a room with his parents, which was also their kitchen and living room. His parents were fishermen there, and Guro would sometimes come along to help out the family. When Guro was 5, his family had earned enough money and moved back into the Fire Nation Capital. The Family opened up a restaurant and would become partially financially stable and lived in a house not too far from the Shop. Guro had a Grandmother who lived in the Fire Nation Capital, she sometimes lent money to the family when they did not have enough for rent. When Guro was 12, his families restaurant was not making enough money and they were forced to shutdown, leaving them with no source of income and made them lose the house. Guro’s family had to live with his Grandmother for the mean time. After 2 months of Job hunting, His mother got a job at the local Hospital and the Father got a job as a Coachman. They moved out of his Grandmothers home and into their own home once again. A Few years later when Guro was 16, but his parents wanted him to come with them to a friends funeral but he didn’t want to and refused to go. When the parents were on the way, they were mugged and killed. Guro found out about this since they never returned home, he was angry and ashamed of himself. He lived with Grandmother for a few months, she told him about his heritage as an Air Bender, and how the families been in hiding and trying to blend in with the public ever since the genocide. Guro decided to head off and explore the world by himself and to become a Master Airbender. Every once in a while he would travel back to his home town to help those in need by bringing food and clothes to the people who fell to poverty. He now has settled down in the Town of Gyantse.